Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Let's take a moment and talk about 31.

Not the company, but the age.

I've never considered 31 to be "old," probably because as the [much] youngest of 4 girls, considering any of my sisters old was asking for it, plain and simple.  I always thought of it as grown-up.  I don't know what I thought the 20's were- probably cool.  My sisters seemed very cool in their 20's, although realistically they were more than likely Hot Messes, just like I was.

Turning 30 didn't phase me.  I ran a half-marathon (and blew out my IT Band) the day before my 30th birthday.  It was awesome.  I was wheeled off the finish line in a wheelchair after finishing with a limp, while crying, but still running, DANG IT!!  I wanted that finish so bad I could taste it.  The race nearly did me in the previous year.  One day, I will go back and beat it.  Believe me you.


31 has been fairly liberating thus far.  I've finally managed to begin the arduous journey of moving past what "they" think of me, whoever "they" may be.  I've also begun to forgive myself for past transgressions which make me cringe just to think of them.  I wish clarity came at 21, but alas it did not.  I've learned the power of the word NO and that sticking to it won't cause the world to implode.  I've learned that information is in fact power, but sometimes too much information can lead to overload and make you want to move to Canada and build a self-sustainable bunker in the northern territories where nobody will ever find you.  (But I don't think I could give up Pinterest........)  I've learned that family is family, no matter what and that You Do For Family.  No questions asked.  And I've learned that there is no such thing as a perfect mom-- except to your child.

31 is pretty awesome.  And terrifying.  I know that there are still life lessons I have yet to learn and I'm certain that they are, even as I type, building speed as they snowball down a massive hill in my future, ready to smack me backwards and lay me out cold for awhile.

Fall down 7 times, stand up 8.

31 isn't old.  31 is ideal.  You have some wisdom without wrinkles and grey hair, and enough energy to chase your kids around while they are little before you have to start imparting (read: hammering mercilessly) your wisdom to them as they absorb every bit of it where it will stay stored until they too turn 31.  (God willing they make it that far.  There are days...........)  ;)

So, here's to 31!  Here's to being an adult and accepting life as it comes without any expectation that Karma will pay you back, or that Karma will take out your worst enemy and move on.  Forgive them, move on, take a breath, and just enjoy what you've got while you've got it.



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