Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Obligatory Bucket List

I feel like everyone has one of these, whether they talk about them or not.  That list of things you want to achieve, do, or see before your clock runs out.  I have one- I don't consider it impressive, and it changes a little every year.  It is mine, and I like it.

1.  Get my Ph.D.--  This was the original plan- to go forward in academia and win my PhD in American History so I could teach.  I was looking at schools, and formulating the dreaded essay of how you would change the world if only you had your PhD.  Life happens, plans change.  I'd still like to go after it though.

2.  Conquer the StumpJump 50K--  This SOB of a race and I have a score to settle.  It has dealt a bigger blow to my ego than I like to readily admit.  We will go toe-to-toe again and I will win.

3.  Do an 100 miler--  I have my eye on two I'd like to do actually.  One is the Thunder Rock, which is on the same course as the StumpJump.  The other is the Cloudsplitter in Kentucky.

4.  Hike the AT within the borders of the Smokies--  When I was 21 and idealistic and didn't have a kid, I wanted to hike the whole stinking thing.  Now, I'd be happy with a piece of it.

5.  Conquer my fear of fish--  No really.  I'm absolutely terrified of fish.  A huge detriment since my son loves to fish.

6.  Meet Sally McRae--  She's amazing and if you don't know who she is, look her up.  You won't be sorry.

7.  Speak French fluently--  I think this would be cool.  I took it in high school, and retained about 1% of what they attempted to teach me.

8.  Have a job where what I do actually counts--  I hate jobs where you just trudge through your day.  I want a job where I can make a positive impact in my community somehow.

9.  Experience as many things with my son as I can before he's too cool to hang with mom--  I'm still pretty cool right now.  I know that will end at some point, at least for awhile.   I want to pack in the memories while I can.  Nobody ever remembers their favorite day of watching TV.

10.  Travel--  France, Ireland, India, Rome/ Vatican, Jerusalem, Prince Edward Island, Pacific Northwest

11.  Kayak with Whales--  For real- you can kayak with whales in the PNW.

Did I miss anything-let me know.