Monday, April 1, 2013

Fried Eggs Cure The Funk

Sometimes my writing gets into a funk.  I want to write about stuff.  I have ideas about things to write.

But when I sit down in front of this lovely white and grey and orange blogger screen, my motivation just kind of .........fizzles.........

Sometimes I get halfway through a post, just to abandon it to the drafts pile.

I am mentally drained, not from overuse, but from underuse.  My classes don't start for another week and a half, so I've been a stay-at-home whatever, stuck in that weird place where nothing ever seems to happen, even though it really is.

I have, fortunately, avoided the trap that is daytime television.

I have this stellar idea for a project- the Great Fried Egg Experiment.  I stumbled across a "recipe" for plain oatmeal, topped with a fried egg, chives, and cheddar cheese.


But it was actually pretty delicious.  Surprisingly so.

Thus I began to search for "Fried Egg" on Pinterest and found a whole slew of ideas for what to do with a fried egg.

No longer will my delicious, fresh, homegrown, free-range, organic eggs be relegated simply to a slice of fresh bread, perhaps with a smear of mustard.  NO!

My eggs will go on culinary adventures!  My eggs will be topped with marvelous items, like AVOCADO and CILANTRO!

And with any luck........I will post about my fried eggs.
You lucky lucky readers you.

(Wait- is anyone even out there?)

Stay tuned...........

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