Sunday, January 6, 2013

Another new blog..........

I've switched blogs before.  Hopefully this will be the last time.  I have a lot of trouble fitting everything that I am into one little blog- I feel like I can't write about crafting in one blog, or about running in another, or about the challenges of being a nursing student and single mom......and someday, the challenge of being a nurse.  My goal is to roll all these things together into "Of Tractors and Hippies".........

The story behind the title is simple.  We have had tractors my entire life- they were actually my grandfather's tractors and then my Dad's.  Farming in some form runs through Dad's side of my family tree.  I am a self-described hippie.  To me, a hippie is someone who believes in self-sustainability, leans towards liberalism, and prefers to be barefoot.  (Nope- no illegal drugs- if that's what you are hoping for, go away.)  I also run like a mother and try to eat as vegetarian as possible, but I don't force it on those around me. 

Anyway, welcome to Of Tractors and Hippies- here's hoping that this blog is the blog that sticks. 

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