Monday, January 7, 2013


Life is a long lesson in humility.  
-J.M. Barrie-

6 months ago, I quit my fairly cushy job to go after a degree in Nursing.  I knew I would get all A's in my classes- I knew I would immediately get accepted into the BSN program.  I had no worries.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha! of my classes kicked my butt and took so much of my time in the process that I ended up stumbling in my other classes.  I did get an A in Philosophy, which was actually my favorite class.  Ironic since it was the one class I was dreading the most.  Anyway, I learned a lot about myself (and about philosophy) in the process.

It sucks to fail, to stumble, to fall down.  It sucks to have to stand back up when you know everyone is watching you.  It sucks to have to make new plans and start from scratch.  But that's what builds us back up and makes us stronger in the long run. 

I've been knocked off my High Horse and taught a lesson in humility, which really is not a bad thing. 

Today, I went to the local Tech college and signed up for........Certified Nurse Assistant classes.  I will get my certification and license and work as a CNA until I finish my LPN degree.  It's all good.  

Welcome to Life..........

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