Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Blingin' Ballcap

In the city nearest us, there is a nice little downtown/ market area where all these little shops have all these amazing creations......clothes, accessories, hats, scarves, jewelry.  I'm a pretty t-shirt and jeans kind of girl, so fancy clothes don't appeal to me all that much.  I am a sucker for hats and scarves though. Over Thanksgiving and Christmas, I ducked into one of these little shops and found an awesome hat- it was a military style cap, with a short brim and round top, but it was all blinged out on the front.  And it was something like $45.  I showed my Mom and we whispered in the corner and said "totally doable...."

As it happens, I own a plain short brim cap.  I picked it up at the Gap a couple of years ago and I've worn it quite a bit, especially when I had long hair.  After seeing the possibilities downtown, I skipped over to AC Moore and picked up some of those iron-on rhinestones, figuring it would be easy to iron some bling onto my hat.  Well............here's how it looked after I attempted that.

The Goal

The Reality

I can't just give up though, so I busted out the big guns.........the craft glue.  We used this glue when we made Advent banners for our Church this year, so it's been put to the test- hopefully it will have similar success on my hat.  After gluing each silly little rhinestone onto the hat, I am beginning to understand the $45 price tag.  *mutter mutter*

But the bling isn't enough for me.  I wanted to add my reverse flag to the mix too.  I am a Veteran and I am a Hippie- I wanted both to be represented.  This flag was an iron-on patch at some point, but I don't think the glue was good for more than one use, so I used the craft glue on it too.

Eventually my hair will be long again........but for now the hat hides it all.
While I had the glue out, I finished attaching the patches to Kiddo's "Build & Grow" workshop apron from Lowe's.  He'll be uber-excited when he sees it. He has more than this, but I can't find them.  I put them all in one spot, but they are quickly acquired and become "treasure" or something similar.  I attach them as I find them.  :) 

So, while my hat isn't really pretty enough to be sold on Etsy, I'm proud of it and the fact that it didn't cost me $45.  Plus when people ask me about it, I can tell them how one-of-a-kind it is.  It's all good.

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