Thursday, January 31, 2013

L'Anniversaire de ma Soeur!! (My Sister's Birthday!!)

It's not quite here yet.  It's not until March.  But.....I'm already planning!!!

Here's why........this came in the mail last week......

Southern Living, February 2013
My sister loves cheesecake, lemon cheese bars, and lemon meringue pie.  So a lemon bar cheesecake?  Come on!!!!  It's perfect! 

Why is the title of this post in French?

Because she spent significant time in France and loved it.  For her birthday, we will be having an authentic French dinner, complete with all the courses.  I've never ever cooked anything French, so I am going to rely on a classic for my menu........Julia Child.  Yup, and I am watching Julie & Julia even as I write this.  And doing research on traditional French meal structure, because unlike us 'Mericans, they savor their food, thoroughly enjoying each morsel.  Here's a basic sketch of the meal....
  • The Bread. In the French culture, the bread viewed as a symbol of hospitality. Thus, it is available throughout the meal and it complements each course.
  • The Hors D’oeuvres. Basic appetizers that will stimulate appetite. It is normally pickled or seasoned spicy food.
  • The Fish Course. A fish dish that are paired with garnished vegetables. Normally, it is served after the The Hors D’oeuvres. This course is quickly followed by lime or lemon sorbet. The purpose is to refresh the senses, preparing the person for the next course.  (This may pose a there is a fish allergy to be considered.)
  • The Main Course. Served after the fish course and the accompanied sorbet. This dish is accompanied with garnished vegetables as well. The course is either meat or poultry.
  • The Salad Course. Sometimes, salad are served after the main course and before the cheese course or dessert course. For those who are weight conscious, the cheese course can be substituted with yogurt.
  • The Cheese Course. Served in an assorted variety of cheeses and cut fruit.
  • The Dessert Course. Last course of the meal. Consists of dishes that are either served hot or cold, and sweet in flavor.
I'm going to check with the birthday girl to find out if this is right or not, but the consensus of the sites I've looked, it seems right.

Next up.......the menu selection!  I've got dessert figured out (Lemon Bar Cheesecake!) And Sister has requested goat cheese and endive, so I've found a recipe for Endive Spears Stuffed with Herbed Goat Cheese.  

Bon Appetit!!

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